We welcome children from all different backgrounds and cultures, uniting them in the same dream: becoming better soccer players and people for the future, together.

About Atletico

Our club program is geared towards equipping our players with a skill set that will positively prepare them for the rest of their lives.

Our vision

Is to develop each and every player's skills, technically and tactically. Thereby greatly increasing each player's understanding of their roll on the soccer field. ASC strongly believes that, in addition to providing an environment for physical and emotional growth, soccer offers almost unlimited opportunities for young players to learn valuable life lessons such as overcoming challenges, working towards a common goal, and exercising leadership when appropriate.

Our philosophy

The ASC philosophy is founded on the "whole person" approach: we recognize that improving a player's physical and technical development must go hand in hand with the advancement of each player's maturity, and emotional and psychological well-being. To this end, all of our ASC Programs will focus on four key target areas: motor skills, cognitive skills, personal skills, and social skills.


Motor skills.

Motor skills deal with each player’s technical and tactical ability, focusing on kicking, dribbling, passing, heading, and tackling. Speed, strength, endurance, and flexibility are vital elements of these skills.


Cognitive skills.

Cognitive skills include qualities such as intuition, memory, concentration, and decision making. Strategies for developing self-expression, creativity, and imagination underpin this aspect of our training.


Personal skills.

Personal skills help players foster techniques for controlling their emotions or for regaining self-control. Through personal skills sessions, we seek to foment motivation, self-esteem and, autonomy.


Social skills.

Social skills help players learn how to work together in groups and teams. We emphasize respect for the rules and others' decisions. Collaboration is a core part of these sessions. Atletico utilizes sport as a means of improving each player's mental and physical health.

Below is an example of the objectives the players at Atletico follow on a monthly basis. These monthly cycles are essential for age appropriate development. As players grow in our system, the objectives, level of difficulty, and sophistication of the monthly training will increase.

Macrocycle - BU9 (8vs8)


Operating Board

Chairman: Lucas Bongarra

Secretary: Matt Smith

President: Amita Balla

Treasure: Kim Cooney

General Manager: Danny Sacchetto

Media: Innis Casey